
Showing posts from October, 2017

white balance

White Balance White balance is a camera control that adjusts the camera's color sensitivity to match the prevailing colour of outdoor light (cooler), indoor light (warmer). How to  perform a manual white balance: Point your camera to a pure white subject, so that most of what you're seeing in the viewfinder is white. Opinions vary on just how much white needs to be in the frame - but we've found that about 50-80% of the frame should be fine. The subject should be fairly matte, that is, non-reflective.  Set your exposure and focus.  Activate the white balance by pressing the button or throwing the switch. The camera may take a few seconds to complete the operation, after which you should get a message (or icon) in the viewfinder.  Hopefully this will be telling you that the white balance has succeeded - in this case, the camera will retain it's current colour balance until another white balance is performed. Correct colour balance Colour balance too blue

fashion carousel

       Week 5 Fashion Carousel  In fashion we had to make a logo for a t shirt, we learnt how to heat press by painting onto a piece of paper then heat pressing it on to a piece of fabric for 60 seconds aft that we learnt how to do embroidery onto our logo designs then. we also made a dress out of paper bags by using techniques like scrunching, ruffles and frills.

week 4 evaluation

Creating a Gif  In this lesson we lernt how to create a gif on Photoshop by opening a set of images in photoshop then 

today week 4 audio evaluation

week 3 carcousel

Document what you did in the session on Wednesday (Pictures, Diary entries, Printouts ETC Write up your experience of the following... Research that you carry out in these sessions Skills that you have tried,  The processes  and methods you used (Photography wet process, Screen Printing, Photoshop layering etc)  The tools that you used (Paint, Material, Software, etc) In this section we made a advert on a Bic pen, to make the advert we used cameras and computers to film a live advert. The advert was about a class and one student couldn't work his pen so the teacher gave him a Bic pen and the other students were jealous. i made the autocue for the advert which involved typing out the stage directions/script onto the autocue computer then controlling the speed of it and when it started. Equipment we used: cameras, boom mic, computers, autocue, sound board, lighting. *****COPY ALL BELOW TO A NEW POST**** Title : Critically Comparing my Skills, Processes and Meth