celebrity juice

Celebrity Juice

Set/location of the production:  Elstree Studio 

Colour palette and tone used within the show: loads of bright colours 

Hair and make-up: Keith Lemon used to have bleach blonde hair but currently has long ginger hair.

Clothes: Keith Lemon wears random colourful clothes 

Presenters performance: Keith lemon is a fictional character who is played by the comedian Leigh Frances 


Shot types: the most usual shot types celebrity juice uses are wide shot, medium close up and close up. 

Positioning: the position of the cameras are from each side and from straight in front of the panel.

Movements: The camera cuts from one camera to another and the cast and guests of the show move around for the games.

Framing: Sometimes they zoom in onto individual people but other times they have wide shots of each panel. 

Depth of field: Sometimes parts of the background are out of focus but when its the full panel the whole things in focus.


Pace: The pace of the show is quite quick and they move onto different games quickly.

Transitions: Most of its straight cuts but when theres a game of name of the next part of the show there is clips of the title.

Continuity/editing matches (eyeline matches?): There are a lot of continuity edits. 

Shot duration: The shot durations are mostly quite short because the show cuts to different angles and its quite fast paced.


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