The cut website and website research


The websites I researched were Moonlight and Interstellar

The home page is a picture of the character in the film, then has a bit where you can click to get ticket, watch the trail or watch he film. It has links to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The webpage has a lot of quotes from different newspaper, writers, bloggers, critics and actors praising the film. Also it tells you it’s the Academy Award Winner for Best Picture.

Comes up with the trailer first, it has images of the film as the back ground home screen has the names of the main actors has links on the side for the story, videos, gallery, downloads, tickets and show times, and worldwide release dates.


The Cut

In the front page of our website there’s pills that are falling which show the drugs part of the interactive video the other parts of the story involve cigarettes, alcohol and knife crime which is written at the top of the screen, we’ve included the link to each of our social media websites along the side of the screen. Below the home screen there’s the gallery of all of the pictures of our group. The background is white because it makes it simpler and makes the pills stand out more.  

Our website conforms to these existing professional examples because we’ve used some of the same features like including the social media links and having a moving background. Also like the Moonlight website our website is quite a simple lay out which makes it more effective like ours.

 Our website is also different from them as it doesn’t use any picture from the actual film which we could use to improve our website also we could include pictures from behind the scenes to make it more interesting

The responses we got from the survey we did said that the majority of them liked the moving background; some people said we could improve by adding more features and more pictures of behind the scenes. The social media response wasn’t very good and didn’t get much following or likes because it wasn’t really updated a lot so that’s an area we could’ve improved on. 

 I think that our online promotional package was in keeping with our production because it had the title of what each of individual segments where about at the top. However the drugs theme was the most dominant as it was the main background of the website, but still drugs were a common theme in most of our segments so it kind of made sense.

 Next times to improve the social media strategy I would research more into what other film social media websites post and the tags they use and also research more on what I target audience wants to see from it by making a survey of something.

 I did the social media part of the website and I didn’t really plan anything so the planning wasn’t very effective but I just posted pictures that relates to the story line of our interactive video.The part of the planning that was useful was researching other film websites because it gave us more ideas of what we could include in our website and showed us how a professional official film website was laid out.

 The elements of planning that were week in the website was the social media because it didn’t get a big response, I could’ve planned it better by researching other film social media sites to see what kind of stuff they post in their feed.

 Next time to improve the weaker elements of the website I could plan it out a lot more to see what I need to do and also try and make there more of an response to the social media by updating it more and checking the feed and aiming for a target audience. And also add images from the filming of our production and from behind the scenes.


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