
Website Research

'Jumanji' When you first enter the website you get taken to the home page where there is a moving image with the main characters from the movie in it, with the title of the film in a bold font and the stars of the films names above. There is also music playing in the background which the viewer can decide to turn off at the top left corner by clicking the speaker button. There is also the social media for the film in the top right corner of the home where the logos for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram take you to there official sites. At the top of the page there is a 'home', 'Get tickets', 'Jumanji tree house 360', 'Meet the avatars', 'Rhino Run', 'Videos', 'Gallery', 'Cast and crew' and 'About' 'Get Ticket' - Takes you to another page where you can buy cinema ticket at a location near you. 'Jumanji tree house 360' - takes you to another page where you get a 360 degree view from a

Lighting Setup

Lighting Setup Arri Red head Dedo                                                      

H5P unit 7

In the lesson where we practiced making H5P content, I made a background picture of reading festival then added a hotspot which when you click it takes you to a youtube video of Stormzy performing live at reading.

Stills and interactive content on website Unit 7

For our interactive website I wasn't really involved in the making of the actual site or the interactive content because I was making the social media for the promotion of the interactive video, so my role was to create acounts on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and post images on them. I was also supposed to make a YoutTube account however our group didn't make a trailer for the video, which in the feedback of our website from Survey monkey people said that we should include a trailer which is an area that we could improve on. Choose Carefully   CALLUM 01 HENRY 02 LOTTIE 03 ALICE 04

Wix and Weebly

Wix and Weebly For our website we used Wix instead of Weebly. in my opinion Wix is a more suitable platform for interactive content because its easier to use and to add interactive features onto it. Although Weebly also has quite a simple lay out its easier to add interactive content into the website on Wix. 
filming what went well: I filmed all the parts I need want didn't go to plan: I could of made it longer

The cut website and website research

       The websites I researched were Moonlight and Interstellar Moonlight The home page is a picture of the character in the film, then has a bit where you can click to get ticket, watch the trail or watch he film. It has links to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. The webpage has a lot of quotes from different newspaper, writers,  bloggers, critics and actors praising the film. Also it tells you it’s the Academy Award Winner for Best Picture. Interstellar Comes up with the trailer first, it has images of the film as the back ground home  screen has the names of the main actors has links on the side for the story, videos, gallery, downloads, tickets and show times, and worldwide release dates.   The Cut In the front page of our website there’s pills that are falling which show the drugs part of

The cut music

Music and Sound in The cut For the first part of the interactive video we're going to use suspenseful music in the background to link with the genre of the crime drama film. For the party scene we're going to use hip-hop music, for my party scene I'm going to use the song 'No Limit' by G-Easy.

Camera Shot

Tracking shot A tracking shot is where the camera moves in one direction alongside the object its recording, this could be following a person of scanning across side ways which shows that the object in the shot is important.

Photo shoot unit 7

For this lesson we had to take a picture in the studio of one of the people in our group. In the studio we had to set up the lighting from behind the camera properly so that the lighting didn't create shadows on the face, after this we had to upload the image onto the computer and edit it by changing the contrast and changing it to black and white to improve the image. We used these images for our website in order to show the cast members of our video on a page on the website.     This diagram I made shows the way the studio was set up when we took the photographs of a person from our group. We had lighting on either sides of the camera so that her face in the picture was clear and didn't have any shadowing.  

Where the content will feature

My role is to decide where the content will feature  firstly the trailer will be the first thing to appear  on the website there will be the logos of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube that ink to those websites. there will also be boxes to click on to get to Videos, Gallery and Story.
The cut our target audience will be from age 14 - 18 so will be rated at 15. Crime/Drama/Thriller

social media audit template


New Show idea


celebrity juice

Celebrity Juice Set/location of the production :  Elstree Studio  Colour palette and tone used within the show: loads of bright colours  Hair and make-up: Keith Lemon used to have bleach blonde hair but currently has long ginger hair. Clothes: Keith Lemon wears random colourful clothes  Presenters performance: Keith lemon is a fictional character who is played by the comedian Leigh Frances  Camera Shot types: the most usual shot types celebrity juice uses are wide shot, medium close up and close up.  Positioning: the position of the cameras are from each side and from straight in front of the panel. Movements: The camera cuts from one camera to another and the cast and guests of the show move around for the games. Framing: Sometimes they zoom in onto individual people but other times they have wide shots of each panel.  Depth of field: Sometimes parts of the background are out of focus but when its the full panel the whole things in focus.


  Audiences   What is an audience? An audience is an individual or collective group of people who read or consume any media text.   Why are audiences important? Audiences are important because without them there would be no media. Media organisations produce media texts to make profit and with no audience there would be no profit. The mass media is becoming more competitive than ever to attract more and more audiences in different ways and stay profitable.   What impact does new technology have on audiences? Old media (for example TV, Print and Radio) which need to have  high audience numbers must now work harder to maintain audience numbers. Digital technology has revolutionised production, distribution, marketing and exhibition.   Types of Audiences:   Mass Audience - often termed 'broadcast audience', are those who consume mainstream or popular texts such as soaps or sitcoms.  Its a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large

Creating an Interview

Creating an interview 1) Give enough time to shoot 2)Choose the best place to shoot 3)Make them feel comfortable 4) Maintain eye contact 5) Be interested 180 Degree rule: The 180 degree rule states that two characters in a scene should maintain the same left/right relationship to one another . When the camera passes over the invisible axis connecting the two subjects, it is called crossing the line and the shot becomes what is called a reverse angle. camera angles  the camera angle should be at eye level

white balance

White Balance White balance is a camera control that adjusts the camera's color sensitivity to match the prevailing colour of outdoor light (cooler), indoor light (warmer). How to  perform a manual white balance: Point your camera to a pure white subject, so that most of what you're seeing in the viewfinder is white. Opinions vary on just how much white needs to be in the frame - but we've found that about 50-80% of the frame should be fine. The subject should be fairly matte, that is, non-reflective.  Set your exposure and focus.  Activate the white balance by pressing the button or throwing the switch. The camera may take a few seconds to complete the operation, after which you should get a message (or icon) in the viewfinder.  Hopefully this will be telling you that the white balance has succeeded - in this case, the camera will retain it's current colour balance until another white balance is performed. Correct colour balance Colour balance too blue

fashion carousel

       Week 5 Fashion Carousel  In fashion we had to make a logo for a t shirt, we learnt how to heat press by painting onto a piece of paper then heat pressing it on to a piece of fabric for 60 seconds aft that we learnt how to do embroidery onto our logo designs then. we also made a dress out of paper bags by using techniques like scrunching, ruffles and frills.